Energy: Harvesting energy from urban noise, natural sound sources and factory machine tools.
Unlike existing renewable energy sources: solar, hydro, wave, wind, geothermal, biomass, all
of which require relatively large and free space and cannot be located in a densely populated city.
On the contrary, the energy obtained from urban noise is inferior in power the above, although
it can be used by citizens, especially those living in metropolitan areas. However, this does
not exclude the possibility that this device can be placed in naturally noisy places (eg near a
waterfall, etc.), as well as near factory machines that produce a lot of noise.

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Medicine: From the trinity that is common in different religions: God the Father, God the Son,
Holy Spirit; Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma; Yang, Dao, Yin. We are talking about two opposite natures
(God the Father and the Holy Spirit, Shiva and Brahma, Yang and Yin) and the third nature that
unites them, which is often given as love (God the Son, Vishnu, Dao). Here we will describe those
two, the opposite nature of each other, the antagonist of each other, the first is often called
the energy of the sky, the second is the earth. The first is active, the second is passive;
The first is binding energy, the second is dissolving.

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Biology: Bindu (or Bindu visarga—"falling of the drop") is a point at the back of the head
where Brahmins grow their tuft of hair. This point is below the sahasrara chakra and above the
ajna chakra, and is represented by a crescent moon with a white drop.
In Tibetan Buddhism Bindu is a component of the subtle body, which is composed of drops and wind.
In Hatha yoga, Bindu visarga is said to be the source of Bindu fluid, which contains a nectar (amrita)
and a poison. Bindu is identified with the semen, and it is controlled by techniques such as Viparita
Karani and Khechari Mudra.

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